Kirsten Twine is a registered nurse with over 20 years’ experience in healthcare. For the last 15 years, she has worked as a registered nurse specialising in cosmetic injections. After training at the Sydney Adventist Hospital, she worked in a number of health areas before transferring to cosmetic medicine under the guidance of a plastic surgeon. Over her years in the industry, Kirsten has carved out an enviable reputation as a highly skilled aesthetic practitioner. Although an educator herself, Kirsten's desire for patient safety and the best outcomes means she regularly pursues continual professional development and training.
Over the last 15 years, Kirsten's training in skin and injectable procedures has covered a large variety of techniques, products, and brands. Because she believes your safety and results come first, she has carefully selected the treatments available for UpFront.Skin's loyal clients. Feel free to chat with Kirsten about why she offers some treatments and why she chooses not to offer others.
Kirsten has a highly developed eye for detail and has spent many years studying male and female facial anatomy, symmetry, and features. We are all unique and require individualised treatments and ongoing plans. Time will be spent during each consultation to assess your unique facial and body anatomy before any recommendations or treatments are made.
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